A downloadable tool for Windows, Linux, and Android

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Game Script is about raising the standards of what it's like to write code fast: you must be able to just double click on the program and start typing code immediately, you must be able to run the code with a single key press, and you must be able to enter the game mode, in which you can fly around in 3D space freely, like in a video game, to see your commands reliably occupy the virtual world.


  • On Windows, make sure you have Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package installed. GameScriptDirectX11Version.zip also needs Graphics Tools installed.
  • Download and extract GameScript folder, double click on the game_script.exe file on Windows 7 (64-bit) or higher.
  • Download and extract GameScript folder, run the game_script.sh file on Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit) or higher.


  • F1: run system script (prints help by default if you press F1 again).
  • F2: toggle run output text window.
  • F3: toggle between script and game mode.
  • F5: rerun the script.
  • F7: pause running the script.
  • F9: continue running the script.
  • F11: toggle fullscreen mode.
  • F12: toggle Dear ImGui demo window.
  • Ctrl + Tab: switch between windows in script mode.
  • Alt + Ctrl, arrow keys: move between UI elements with keyboard in script mode.
  • W: fly forward in game mode.
  • S: fly back in game mode.
  • A: fly left in game mode.
  • D: fly right in game mode.
  • E: fly up in game mode.
  • Q: fly down in game mode.
  • T: roll camera left in game mode.
  • Y: roll camera right in game mode.
  • R: reset camera roll in game mode.

Download for Xbox One, copy and paste the link below into the Microsoft Edge on Xbox browser:


Example code to try:


Report bugs and issues here:


Useful links for Windows 7 and Game Script DirectX 11 Version:

Other Game Script versions:

Last update: 17 May 2024

$ sha256sum game_script_windows_7_64bit.zip 
af1105b571ef5236e6fe4ff3b9be991892dffb239f185e7250661df5e2e03158  game_script_windows_7_64bit.zip
$ sha256sum game_script_ubuntu_16_04_64bit.tar.xz 
ad9df2f07c01cac9530b6dabdface298f82a133db8bc6847a841551e7ade5889  game_script_ubuntu_16_04_64bit.tar.xz
$ sha256sum GameScript.AppImage
cda029cee231453b6ece5b51fb1fdd5481202c14635b42a74f11aa940702f9b1  GameScript.AppImage
$ sha256sum GameScriptForAndroid.apk
0c9ad4d9350fc0c29259b1fe73a530fe4788969e07c1684dcac15f511885fa62  GameScriptForAndroid.apk
$ sha256sum GameScriptDirectX11Version.zip
f029d0b56ffca430d47fa693509db0e421ff76556f77d77e6dd9c404c852fac6  GameScriptDirectX11Version.zip


game_script_windows_7_64bit.zip 17 MB
game_script_ubuntu_16_04_64bit.tar.xz 22 MB
GameScript.AppImage 33 MB
GameScriptForAndroid.apk 5.7 MB
GameScriptDirectX11Version.zip 1.8 MB

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